Article published in Studies in Higher Education

The paper “Can you feel the change of seasons? Perspectives of academic staff on organizational change” by Re-structure project members Jeroen Huisman, Karljin soppe, Thea Eide and Nicoline Frølich, has been published online in Studies in Higher Education.

The paper uses a survey among academic staff to compare staff at merged institutions with staff at institutions that did not merge. The key findings is that academic staff at merged institutions are less positive about developments within their study programmes and research units compared to those not having been part of a merger, and that background characteristics and discpline play a role as well.

Read the full article here.


Har utdanningene blitt bedre etter fusjonsprosesser i høyere utdanning? Debatt på Arendalsuka 2022

What organizational characteristics are associated with high research productivity?
