Re-Structure is a four year project funded by the Research Council of Norway through the FINNUT programme. The project addresses a highly important theme for Norwegian policies for higher education and research: to what extent can system performance be improved by system (re)design.
The core aim of the project is to carry out a research-based evaluation of the structural reform in Norwegian higher education. The project is designed as a multi-level and multi-method project, employing several disciplinary perspectives.
The project applies two key empirical lenses: outcome-oriented and process-oriented. The outcome analysis is based on an extensive analysis of relevant indicators, while the analysis of merger processes focuses on capturing opportunities, tensions, solutions and unintended consequences. The project is organised in four working packages.
In the first work package, the project analyses the reform , to uncover inconsistencies in the reform itself and how it interacts with previous and concurrent change processes in the system.
In the second work package, the project examines the processes within the merged institutions through a series of in-depth case studies. Given that we know that higher education institutions are institutionally complex organizations, the working package examines how institutions manage new forms of organizational hybridity that emerges as a result of merger processes, how they work with academic integration processes, and how the organisational processes that are set into motion contribute to fulfilling reform objectives.
In the third work package, the project examines reform outputs through a broad range of quantitative indicators by employing a range of existing datasets.
The fourth work package is focused on bringing the previous working packages together and answering the overarching question of the evaluation: To what extent does the reform bring the Norwegian higher education sector closer to the goals of the reform, and which factors condition the realization of these goals?
Questionnaire for academic staff
As an important part of the research-based evaluation of the Structural Reform in the Norwegian university and college sector, in winter 2021, a survey was sent to academic staff at Norwegian universities and colleges. Their answers will be of great importance in assessing how the reform affects higher education. The survey was about working conditions for academic staff, and asked questions about teaching practice, the conditions for research activities, dissemination and the ‘third mission’, as well as well as management and organisation. The survey was distributed to academic staff at universities and colleges, regardless of the degree of change their institution has undergone as a result of the reform. The purpose was to map changes in the sector and to compare merged and non-merged institutions.
The survey was a central data source along with interviews to uncover internal contradictions and how the reform interacts with other ongoing changes in the system of higher education, examine ongoing processes in the merged universities and colleges, both the academic integration processes and other organisational processes aimed at realising the objectives of the reform; and finally, assess the work towards achieving the results of the reform.
The purpose of the research-based evaluation
As a result of the structural reform that was launched in 2015, the landscape of higher education in Norway has undergone major changes. Many universities and colleges have merged, which means that the sector is in the middle of a comprehensive reorganisation process. One consequence is that Norwegian higher education now consists of several large multi-campus universities and colleges. The purpose of the structural reform is to promote general objectives of high quality in education and research, regional development, a world-leading professional environment and efficient use of resources. The evaluation has examined the extent to which the reform brings Norwegian higher education closer to these goals and the factors that contribute to their realisation.
Interviews with academic staff, students, management and policymakers
In the autumn of 2019, the project began with the collection of interview data. The main data interview collection took place between spring 2020 and winter 2021. Here, the main focus has been to analyse the ongoing change processes in the merged institutions, and the results of these processes at that point. This was done both through documentary analyses and interviews. The project group conducted semi-structured interviews with both decision-makers and stakeholder groups involved in political design processes, as well as various stakeholder groups in the merged higher education institutions. The informant group consisted of academic staff and students, representatives of departmental management, faculty management and institutional management. Interviews have also been conducted with national actors in higher education (policymakers).
The interviews at the educational institutions cover: leaders at six case institutions (at faculty and institutional level), to investigate strategic processes related to merger work; and academic and administrative staff, students, departmental heads, and study programme leaders and research group leaders at selected study programmes and research groups in six institutions.
We have selected two or three study programmes and research groups at each of the institutions. These cover different subject areas and dimensions in academic integration processes. The purpose is to gain more knowledge about micro-processes that take place in academic integration processes. The selected programmes and research groups are not treated as representative of the entire institution, nor as ‘best practice’, but as illustrations of academic integration processes. A representative picture of the consequences of the mergers is examined through other methods, e.g. questionnaire.
Finalisation of the project
The project is completed in autumn 20204. The main outcome of the project is to contribute to long-term improvement of the knowledge base concerning higher education reforms. To safeguard the welfare societies and uphold legitimacy for the chosen policies, an informed and democratic debate about policy problems as well as solutions is necessary. This website is in Norwegian but may have limited content in English. Posts that are available in English are listed below.
Posts in English:
What does distance to leadership mean? New article in Higher Education Quarterly
After mergers, staff can experience that their leaders are “far away”. Yet, what does this “distance” really mean, and are there different conceptualisations of distance? In a new article, Nicoline…
What organizational characteristics are associated with high research productivity?
In a recently published article, members of the Re-structure project examine the extent to which research performance can be associated with specific organizational characteristics at the department level, such as…
The structural reform: so far limited impact on academic practices, academic staff at merged institutions less positive to organisational features of their institution
In 2015 a large-scale structural reform was introduced in Norway, aiming at improving the quality of higher education. Through mergers between institutions, reform objectives such as high-quality education and research,…
Re-Structure project member Ivar Bleiklie talks about structural reforms in University World News
University World news published an article 08 January 2021 that discusses the role of higher education in rural depopulation. In the article, Professor Emeritus Ivar Bleiklie, a central member of…