

Borlaug, S.B. & Elken, M. (2024) Formalising variety: the organisation of universities’ regional engagement and third mission activities. European Journal of Higher Education.

Frølich, N., Elken, M., & Eide, T. (2023). Mergers, distance, and leadership: Perceptions of different forms of distance to leadership in merger processes. Higher Education Quarterly, 00, 1–13. 

Aksnes, D., Borlaug, S., Eide, T. & Stensaker, B. (2023) Exploring the relationship between departmental characteristics and research performance. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education.

Huisman, J., Soppe, K., Eide, T. & Frølich, N. (2023) Can you feel the change of seasons? Perspectives of academic staff on organizational change. Studies in Higher Education.

Borlaug, S., Tellmann, S.M. & Vabø, A. (2023). Nested identities and identification in higher education – the role of organizational and academic identities. Higher Education 85, 359-377.

Frølich, N., Stensaker, B. (2021) Mergers and missions: investigating consequences for system diversity. Higher Education (24) .

Bleiklie, I. & Michelsen, S. (2019) Scandinavian Higher Education Governance – Pursuing Similar Goals through Different Organizational Arrangements. European Policy Analysis, 5(2), 190-209.

Frølich, N., Christensen, T. & Stensaker, B. (2019) Strenghtening the strategic capacity of public universities: the role of internal governance models. Public policy and administration, 34(4), 475-493.

Tellmann, S., Røsdal, T. & Frølich, N. (2020) Professional educational programmes under pressure. Organizational challenges related to strenghtening research. Studies in higher education, 1-11.

Book chapters

Bleiklie, I. (2019) Regionale universiteter og utdanningspolitiske paradokser. Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens fremvekst og betydning. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Frølich, N., Trondal, J., Caspersen, J. & Reymert, I. (2019) Reformer i UH-sektoren. Det muliges kunst. Geografi, kunnskap, vitenskap: Den regionale UH-sektorens fremvekst og betydning. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Policy Briefs

Wiborg, V.S., Fidjeland, A.Ø., Eide, T., Holtermann, H., Skjelbred, S.E. & Frølich, N. (2022) Konsekvenser av strukturreformen: Tilfredshet blant kandidatene. NIFU Innsikt 2022:9.

Huisman, J., Eide, T., Soppe, K. & Frølich, N. (2022) Organisational features of Norwegian higher education institutions: perceptions on organisational change. NIFU Innsikt 2022:2.

Huisman, J., Eide, T., Daenekindt, S. & Frølich, N. (2022) The impact of the structural reform: what do academics think and do? NIFU Innsikt 2022:1.

Frølich, N. (2021) Hva gjør strukturreformen med norsk høyere utdanning? Indikatorrapporten 2021. Forskningsrå

Korseberg, L., Eide, T. & Frølich, N. (2021) Kontinuitet fremfor innovasjon. Valg av faglig organisering ved fusjonerte institusjoner. NIFU Innsikt 2021:9.

 Aksnes, D.W., Wanderås, L.N. & Frølich, N. (2021) An initial bibliometric mapping of six higher education institutions undergoing structural changes. NIFU Insight/NIFU Innsikt 2021:4.

Næss, T., Frølich, N. & Elken, M. (2021) Fusjonerte institusjoner i støpeskjeen: Endringer i faglige profiler og det regionale studietilbudet. NIFU Innsikt 2021:2.

Vukasovic, M., Frølich, N., Bleiklie, I., Elken, M. & Michelsen, S. (2021) Policy processes shaping the Norwegian Structural Reform. NIFU Insight 2021:1/NIFU Innsikt 2021:1.

Huisman, J. & Lyby, L. (2020) Higher education governance and policy instruments in four countries. NIFU innsikt 2020: 6.

Røsdal, T. & Næss, T. (2020) Mange studieprogram ved fusjonerte læresteder opplever økt søkning. NIFU innsikt 2020:3.

Documentation notes

Eide, T., Solberg, Lurås, L.E., Huisman, J. & Frølich, N. (2021) A note on survey methodology: Documentation of data from the Re-structure survey among academic staff spring 2021. (20). Arbeidsnotat. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU.

Conference presentations

Vandelannote, I., Aksnes, D. W. & Huisman, J. (2024) Mergers in Norwegian Higher Education: Is There an Effect on Research Productivity? ESA conference 2024

Vukasovic, M., Elken, M. & Lysberg, S. (2024) Policy coherence within a policy subsystem: the case of Norwegian higher education. ECPR 2024

Vukasovic, M., Elken, M. & Lysberg, S. (2024) Policy coherence within a policy subsystem: the case of Norwegian higher education. NOPSA 2024

Korseberg, L. & Frølich, N. (2024) Digitalisation and merger processes in universities. How are they related? NOPSA 2024

Elken, M.; Borlaug, S.B..  (2023) Formalising variety: Organisation of universities’ regional engagement 2023 CHER conference

Korseberg, L.  (2023) Higher Education for Whom? The Opportunities and Perils brought about by Flexible and Decentralised Education 2023 EAIR

Frølich, N, Elken, M. & Eide, T. (2022) Distance to leadership in academic organisations. Presentation at Organizational Research Workshop, Scancor Norway, Bergen, 23-24 November 2022

Huisman, J., Soppe, K., Eide, T. & Frølich, N. (2022) Organisational reforms in higher education – how do they influence academic practice? Paper presented at the 44th Annual EAIR Forum in Malta, 4 – 7 September 2022. Track 4: Governance management and Collaborative Internationalisation.

Elken, M., Vukasovic, M. & Frølich, N. (2022) Transformative re-organisations and identity formation in higher education. Paper presented at 38th EGOS colloquium, Vienna, 7 – 9 July 2022. Sub-theme 63: The organizing of academia.

Frølich, N., Elken, M. & Eide, T. (2022) Distance to leadership: unpacking different forms of distance in academic organisations. Paper presented at 38th EGOS colloquium, Vienna, 7 – 9 July 2022. Sub-theme 63: The organizing of academia.

Frølich, N., Elken, M., Vukasovic, M. & Stensaker, B. (2021) Pressing problems in researching merger policies in higher education. Paper presented at EAIR annual forum 8-11 september 2021.

Vukasovic, M. & Elken, M. (2021) Performance contracts and mergers in Norwegian higher education – exploring the interactions between concurrent policy reforms. Paper presented at symposium “New Policy Instruments for Educational and Training in Europe: Generating Productive Tensions” at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 6 September 2021.

Frælich, N. (2021) Evaluering av strukturreformen – noen foreløpige funn og refleksjoner. Digital utdanningspolitisk konferanse, Campus Nesna, 18. mars 2021.

Bleiklie, I. (2020) Actors and ideas shaping the futures of higher education in the Nordic countries. Conference panel participation at Nordic Education Research Association (NERA) conference.

Bleiklie, I., Elken, M., Frølich, N., Michelsen, S. & Vukasovic, M. (2020) Policy making as dialogue? Managerial policy making and the higher education merger reform in Norway. Paper presented at ECPR, online conference 24-28 August 2020.

Bleiklie, I., Elken, M., Frølich, N., Michelsen, S. & Vucasovic, M (2020) Managerial policy making and the higher education merger reform in Norway.Vitenskapelig foredrag på SCANCOR-Weatherhead Alumni Conference. SCANCOR-WCFIA, Harvard University.

Bleiklie, I. (2019) Drivkrefter bak og konsekvenser av omstilling i norsk høyere utdanning. Nasjonal konferanse om digitalisering av høyere utdanning.

Frølich, N. (2019) The mission of missions. University strategizing in the age of mergers. Presentation at track 1 Governance, EAIR, Leiden, 25-28 August.


Borlaug, B. Siri (2024) Noen resultater fra evalueringen av strukturreformen. Presentasjon for HK-dir, 03.09.2024

Frølich, Nicoline (2022) Strukturreformen og styringsdilemma. Invitert foredrag for Høgskolen i Innlandet, 17. november 2022.

Wiborg, V. (2022) Har utdanningene blitt bedre etter fusjonsprosesser i høyere utdanning? Arendalsuka 2022.

Frølich, N. (2022) Evalueringen av strukturreformen. Innlegg for Akademikernes kunnskapsnettverk 8. mars 2022.

Huisman, J., Eide, T., Soppe, K. & Frølich, N. (2022) Re-Structure survey results. Presentation for the Ministry of Education and Research, 16 February 2022.

Elken, M. (2021) Sentrale styringstrender i sektoren. Styring, endringer og forventninger i UH landskapet. Presentasjon til HVL ledersamling. 14.09.21

Frølich, N. (2021) Evaluation of the structural reform. Presentation at UiA, 21 April 2021.

Frølich, N. (2019) Re-Structure: Redesigning the Norwegian higher education landscape. Presentasjon for NIFUs styre, 11. oktober 2019.

Frølich, N. (2019) Re-Structure: Redesigning the Norwegian higher education landscape. Presentasjon i Kunnskapsdepartementet, 18. september 2019.

Frølich, N. (2019) Norwegian structural reform in higher education. Recent policies and practices. Ivar Bleiklie Laudatio, Bergen, 8 March 2019.

Frølich, N. (2019) Re-Structure: Redesigning the Norwegian higher education landscape. Presentasjon i Kunnskapsdepartementet, 23. august 2019.


Borlaug, S. B. & Frølich, N. (2024) I kjølvannet av struktur­reformen,

Frølich, N., Bleiklie, I. & Vukasovic, M. (2021) Politikken som formet strukturreformen.

Elken, Mari (2021). Fra lange linjer til U-svinger i norsk UH-politikk? Forskningspolitikk. ISSN 0333-0273. 44(4), s. 22–23.

Huisman, J. & Lyby, L. (2020) Styring av universitets- og høyskolesektoren. Den norske utviklingen i et europeisk perspektiv. Forskningspolitikk. Volum 43, hefte 4

Frølich, N. & Elken, M. (2020) Nye utfordringer for strukturreformen.

Frølich, N., Trondal, J., Caspersen, J. & Reymert, I. (2019) En reform i spagaten.

Interview with Ivar Bleiklie by Jan Petter Myklebust in University World news (2021). HE has a role in stemming rural depopulation, deprivation.