Presentations of project findings summer 2022

During summer 2022 researchers from the project team have presented papers at conferences and participated in several debates:

Karjin Soppe presented the paper Organisational reforms in higher education – how do they influence academic practice? (Huismann, J., Soppe, K., Eide, T. & Frøich, N, 2022) at the 44th Annual EAIR Forum in Malta, 4 – 7 September 2022. The presentation was a part of track 4: Governance management and Collaborative Internationalisation.

Mari Elken and Nicoline Frølich presented the paper Transformative re-organisations and identity formation in higher education (Elken, M., Vukasovic, M. & Frølich, N., 2022) at the 38th EGOS colloquium, Vienna, 7 – 9 July 2022 under sub-theme 63: The organizing of academia.

They also presented the paper Distance to leadership: unpacking different forms of distance in academic organisations (Frølich, N., Elken, M. & Eide, T. (2022) under the same sub-theme.

Mari also coordinated a panel about structural changes at ECPR, called “Structural changes in higher education”.

In addition to participating in conferences, several researchers from the project participated in Arendalsuka 2022:

Nicoline Frølich held a presentation about the future of higher education in Norway.

Vegard Wiborg held a presentation about the consequences of mergers for student satisfaction. Mari Elken led the debate that followed.

All presentations of project findings are listed on the publication page.

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