Skandinavisk høyere utdanning – lignende mål, ulike organisatoriske løsninger

Ivar Bleiklie (UiB) og Svein Michelsen (UiB) har skrevet om Skandinavisk høyere utdanning. I en artikkel publisert i European Policy Analysis undersøker de tre hovedspørsmål; hva er sentrale likheter og ulikheter når det gjelder styring av høyere utdanning; hvordan kan disse forklares; og er likhetene betydelige nok for å begrunne en tittel som en Skandinavisk “modell” for høyere utdanning. Analysen tar for seg både analyser av partipolitikk og politisk-administrative regimer. De konkluderer:

If we consider the history of HE governance reform in Scandinavia, three features stand out. First, although the Scandinavian HE governance systems are different and have evolved differently, they have sustained similar and typical Scandinavian policy features in terms of publicness, access, and investment. Second, NPM reform policies have gradually moved from being (occasionally) politically contested, to being perceived as technical and administrative issues rather than issues infused with partisan political values. (…) Third, the HE systems are growing and are not just considered strategically important in welfare terms, but also increasingly integrated with labor market and economic policies. Issues of HE system saturation, where further expansion is mediated by labor market relevance considerations, makes it tempting to assume that HE policies are likely to be more exposed to partisan political contestation than before.

Bleiklie & Michelsen 2019

Photo by Jonas Jacobsson.


Nye utfordringer for strukturreformen

Datainnsamling underveis
